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+91 9004616617
#3, C1 Aster, Sai baba vihar complex, Anandnagar, Ghodbunder road, Thane(w)
Morning:- 9 AM to 2 PM
Evening:- 5 PM to 9 PM
Sthaulya/ Motapa/ Fat Disorder/ Weight Gain/ Inch Gain – Ayurvedic discussion, medicines and Panchakarma Treatments.
Obesity is the major cause of disability, diabetes, heart disease in 21st century. Wrong dietary habits, lack of exercise, mental tension are the main causes.
In Ayurveda, Obesity is describes as Medorog. As per Medorog, Kapha dosh and med dhatu dushti is responsible. There are 7 Dhatus in the body. In Medorogi/ obese person whatever he eat or drink all goes towards Med Dhatu. Because of that excess production of Med Dhatu i.e. fat tissue occures and other Dhatu’s poshan diminish. Excess fat tissue/ Med deposit mainly on belly, hips, chest and thighs, thats why fat hanging on these parts. Beauty of obese person decreases day by day. Personality also get affected & social life is also gets disturb. Obese person is the laughing stock in our society.
We give 100% guarantee in treating the obese ladies & gents patients. Till date thousands of weight reduction and inch loss patients are successfully treated in our clinic. Treatment continues till Body Mass Index(BMI) get corrected. After achieving perfect weight for that individual, We provide dietary regimen and lifestyle according to prakruti(Constituency).
Though the causes of obesity looks similar in every individual, but the causes are much different.
The causes of weight gain/ inch gain are –
If we see the symptoms in details, obesity/ inch gain is the root cause of various metabolic diseases. Hypertension, diabetes, thyroid, various skin diseases, arthritis, paralysis, indigestion, piles, etc… like this never ending list of diseases get occur.
Acharya Charak says obesity creates 8 types of Dosh in the body as follows-
Due to excessive fat production and deposition, abdomen, belly, thighs, chest becomes shapeless. On these parts, fat gets hang. Loss of energy, diabetes, skin diseases, Fistula, Vat vyadhi, heart diseases, high blood pressure like n number of diseases occurs behind obesity.
Generally, BMI (Basal Metabolic Index) should be in range of 18.5 to 24.9.
BMI = Weight in Kg / Height in Meter square
Treatment should be start for weight loss if BMI is more than 25.
In todays era, ayurvedic medicines with panchkarma treatment is the only solution to reduce the weight/ inches. Ayurvedic weight loss diet, yoga postures, various exercises are also very helpful. Weight loss medicines, body detox procedures like Vaman, Virechan, Lekhan Basti, and Udhvartan also used according to the body constitution of obese person. Generally, all medicies are Kaphahar and medoghna. Katu and tikta rasatmak dravyasare selected in diet as well as in medicines. Honey, warm water, cow urine also used. In medicines Shilajit (black bitumen), and Kumbha, gugulu, Trifala, Arogyavardhini, Medopachak vati, Medohar gugulu are used.
Udhavartan means powder massage recommended to each and every obese person.
Vaman in kapha prakruti and virechan in Pitta prakruti is suggested for the patient.
After doing panchakarma treatment of Vaman/ Virechan, Lekhan Basti is recommended for 15 days. Then, ayurvedic medicines have to continue till you acheive correct weight.
The final goal is to achieve 5 to 6 kg weight reduction in each month without any side effect. After achieving BMI bellow 25 weight loss treatment stop. To avoid the recurrence of obesity some dietary regimen, yoga, dincharya should be follow lifelong.
Dr. Narkhede Ayurved & Panchakarma Clinic is the best ayurvedic clinic in Thane, where all your chronic and acute diseases successfully treated so that you can ensure your healthy life…. Read more
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