Netratarpan is an important sub procedure of panchakarma. It is mainly done for eye diseases. Netratarpan can be done in childhood to old age persons. Netratarpan is a natural rejuvenating procedure of eyes. It is simply an eye care panchakarma. It gives excellent strength to the eye muscles and surrounding areas.
In this procedure, medicated ghee or various herbal juices poured in the affected eye with the help of Netratarpan yantra. The eyes simply dip in ghee or juice for 20 to 30 minutes. By doing so, toxins from the eyes get removed. Netratarpan is regularly done for 7 to 14 days according to the condition.

Benefits of Netratarpan

  1. It helps to cure refractive errors of eyes.
  2. It helps to cure early Cataract, Corneal ulcers, Retinal problems. 
  3. Relieves eyestrain due to the overuse of computers, screens, electronic devices, mobiles.
  4. It helps to cure under-eye circles.
  5. Useful for Dry eyes, Red eyes, Itching of eyes, Conjunctivitis.
  6. Cures Eyesight problems.  
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