Naadi Pariksha(Pulse Diagnosis) is a very popular technique use for the diagnosis of any disease in ancient Ayurvedic science. Understanding the pulse is like decoding hidden information.
The description of Nadi Pariksha first comes in the literature ‘Sharangdhar Sanhita’s. Widely elaborate in ‘Bhavprakash’. In Ayurveda, 8 parts of the body should be examined during daily clinical practice- Nadi(Pulse), Mala(Stool), Mutra(Urine), Jivha(Tongue), Shabd(Speech), Sparsh(Touch), Druk(Eyes) and Akruti(Physique). Nadi means passage or channels of various bodily constituents that connect various functional aspects. They are indicative of alteration from its normalcy.

The examination of strength, rhythm, speed, quality of Nadi shows each change occurring in the body. The ayurvedic physician feels the sensation of pulse just like strings of veena which produce music. 3 fingers(Index, Middle, and Ring fingers) of the hand are used for Nadi Parikshan. In the female left hand and in male right hand usually examine.
With the help of Nadi Pariksha in ancient times, Vaidya diagnoses the disease, prognosis. Prakruti can be identified by examination of Nadi.

Now a days Nadi Parikshan conducted in five different stages.

1. Immediate Expression

It provides information about the gross situation in the body. In this stage, few things to be observed like the pulse is pricking or soft, the strength of pulsation. Also it is regular or irregular, full or empty, warm or not warm.

2. Superficial Expression

It provides the specific Dosha activity. In this, the gati of Nadi is identified.
Sarpagati snake-like denotes Vata Dosha.
Mandookgati frog like denotes Ptta Dosha.
Hansgati swan-like denotes Kapha Dosha.

3. Deep Expression

It provides information about the constitution i.e. prakruti of the individual.
Deep expression is observed at the deepest level f the pulse. Index finger denotes Vata prakruti. Middle finger denotes Pitta prakruti and ring finger denotes Kapha prakruti.

4. Subdosha Level

It provides information on organ involvement.
The index finger is representative of Vata sub dosha where pulsation in the 1st part near the thumb represents pran vayu. In 2nd part is udan vayu, in 3rd part it represent saman vayu, in 4th part apan vayu. When the pulsation is observed at more than one part it represents vyan vayu.
If the pulsation is felt under middle finger it represent Pitta- Part 1 – Pachak Pitta, Part 2 – Ranjak Pitta. Similarly, Part 3 – Sadhak Pitta, Part 4 – Alochak Pitta and if felt in more than one part is Bhrajak Pitta
If the pulsation is felt under the ring finger it represents Kapha Dosha. 1st part – Kledak, 2nd part – Avalambak, 3rd part- Bodhak. Similarly, 4th part – Tarpak Kapha and if felt in more than one part it denotes Shleshak Kapha.

5. Dhatu Level

It provides information about Dhatu’s involvement.
Ring finger denotes Ras Dhatu. The middle finger denotes Rakt Dhatu. Index and middle together denote Mansa Dhatu. Middle and ring together denote Medo Dhatu. Index finger denotes Asthi Dhatu. All three fingers denote Manjja Dhatu. Index and ring together denote Shukra Dhatu.
By conducting all 5 levels of examination Nadi Vaidya came to the final conclusion in the diagnosis of disease. Nadi Pariksha reduces the costly investigations, it is a very simple method of diagnosis. With the help of Nadi pariksha Vaidya can predict the physical as well as the mental status of the patient.

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