Contact No :-
+91 9004616617
#3, C1 Aster, Sai baba vihar complex, Anandnagar, Ghodbunder road, Thane(w)
Morning:- 9 AM to 2 PM
Evening:- 5 PM to 9 PM
Hair fall is the burning issue in today’s era. Number of patients are increasing day by day of complaining about the hair fall problem. Generalized hair fall is very common in women and localized hair fall commonly found in men’s. Ayurvedic hair treatment includes intake of Ayurvedic medicines and local application of some herbal oils gives excellent result in hair fall. Generalize Alopecia is described as Khalitya and localized Alopecia i.e. bald patch is described as Indralupta in Ayurveda. Aggravated pitta dosh i.e. excessive heat in the body is main responsible factor for hair fall.
According to Ayurveda, Bhrajak pitta in association with prakupit vayu goes towards hair roots, there pitta and vayu with rakt and kapha forms avarodh leads to falling of hair.
Herbs like bhrungaraj, nimb, bramhi, aamalaki use to treat hair fall. Intake of keshvardhini tablet, praval tablet, maka ghan, bramhi ghan use to arrest hair fall. Local application Oils like aamalaki tail, brungaraj tail, bramhi tail proves helpful.
Panchkarma upchar for body detoxification, hair rejuvenation always recommended. In kapha dosh dushti vaman, in pitta dosh dushti virechan and in vata dosh dushti basti panchkarma gives excellent results.
Nasya of anutail proves helpful to arrest the hair fall. In case of stress, anxiety, lack of sleep shirodhara should be done.
Premature greying of hair is very common problem now a days. Before 2 decades, greying of hair occurs after the age of 60 years but recently teenager also come clinic for treatment of greying hair. Black and long hair is the symbol of beauty in today’s era also. Color and style of hair alter the personality and thus his/ her body image. greying of hair indicates old age. In Young’s, the hair greying may be the cause of inferiority complex that’s why the treatment of greying of hair is must. Hair roots contain pigmentory substance called as melanin which is responsible for blackish colour of hair. Due to some reason the percentage of melanin decrease or the complete absence of melanin occurs.
According to Ayurveda, greying of hair is described as “Palit.”
क्रोधशोकश्रमकृत: शरीरोष्मा शिरोगत:|
पित्तं च केशान पचति प्रमितं तेन जायते||
Due to excessive Krodh, Shok, Shrama vata dosh dushti occurs. This aggregated vata dosh in association with excessive heat of pitta dosh affects the scalp surface and cause for hair roots affection. Due to that, premature whitening of hair occurs also called as premature greying.
In most of the cases, pitta dosh aggravation is responsible but Acharya Charak mention that the kaph dosh dushti is may be a cause for premature greying.
Ayurvedic medicine with some panchakarma therapy proves very useful to reverse the condition of premature greying. Generally it takes 6 months to 1 yr of period to stop the greying of hair and increase the blackishness, provide the lusture to the hair.
Herbs like bramhi, maka, bibhitak, haritaki, sidha oils gives positive results. Local application of mandur with some medicines gives excellent results. Ayurvedic formulation like, keshvardhini yog, saptamrut loha, bhrungaraj ghan, jeevanammrutam ghrut, shatavari mandur yog, etc, used according to the body constitution to complete cure.
Panchakarma procedure like kumkumadi ghrut nasta is recommend. Shirodhara of bramhi and jatamanasi oil proves helpful. In Kapha Dosha dushti, vaman (medicated emesis), in pitta dosh dushti medicated purgetion, in vata dosh dushti basti (medicated enema) is recommended. Life style changes, dietary recommendation according to ayurvedic view. Yog, pranayam, asanas are also proves helpful to cure premature greying of hair completely.
Dandruff is also one common condition in now a days. In this dryness of the scalp occurs, resulting into the flakes of scalps, scattered on hair, face, beird, mustak and shoulders. Dandruff is the condition may arrive as a result of others diseases like psoriasis, or after fever.
‘दारुणा कंडुरा रुक्षा केशभुमि: प्रपाट्यते|
कफमारुत कोपेन विद्याद दारूणकं तु तम||’
According to Ayurveda, imbalance of vata dosh, pitta dosh and rakt dosh is responsible for dandruff. Dandruff is described as Darunak in Ayurveda. Scalp skin get visiate due to vata dosh, pitta dosh and rakt dosh dushti, resulting into dryness. In this something hard, elevated, dry, itchy, pitika (acne) may develop. The Flakes remove from the scalp.
If vata dosh dushti is more in dandruff pain is there, pitta dosh dushti is there burning sensation may occur, and kapha dosh dushti is more then itching sensation is more in that particular patient.
According to Ayurveda, medicated oiling is must to treat dandruff. Local application of karang, nimb, mahanimb, Palash, sidha oil, or vran shodhana oil gives complete cure. Decoction of nimb, haridra, shikekai, ritha, etc, use for hair wash. Ayurvedic medicine like aarogyavardhini, gandhak rasayan, kaishor guggul, khadiradi kwath, kamdudha ras, aamalaki ghan use according to the body constitution.
Vaman (medicated emesis) is recommendin kapha pradhan dushti, Virechan (medicated purgetion) recommend for pitta dosh dushti and basti (medicated enema) recommend for vata dosh pradhan dushti.
Aamalaki, musta, siddha takra shirodhara, oil shirodhara is also beneficial. Daily anutail nasya proves helpful.